Kendall Grey is an accomplished producer, creating intriguing independent films with her husband, writer/director Ricky Burchell. She is the owner of Kendall Grey Productions and the cover of the December issue of REEL LUMIERE Magazine. She has been executive producer, producer or production manager on a number of projects from music videos, to TV series to feature films. Some of her recent works include the television series Bloom Today, the audio series Mask My Soul, and he feature films Three Strangers, AM Radio, One More Dream and her latest, Consider the Lilies, which is currently available on Amazon Prime.
When: NEW DATE DUE TO WEATHER Wednesday, January 23rd
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CT
Where: Sedona Taphouse Restaurant, 1120 3rd Avenue North, Nashville
Event is free for WIFT Members, $5.00 for non-members. Special menu available for your lunch order.